Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mind Mapping

Below, please find a mind-map of the properties of real numbers. These are properties that the students gradually learn. They begin learning these properties in about first grade and they are still being reviewed throughout high school. I decided to create my mind-map on webspiration. I like webspiration because it is a collaborative sight, colorful, easy to use and you can upload your own images. If I had to create the next mind-map, it would probably be almost the same, only I would add the next layer, which would be the inverse of the additive property and so on. I realize that when the image appears on the blog site it will be difficult to see. Therefore, please also find the link to this mind map just right above the image.

1 comment:

  1. I like the mind map you made. It seems easier to make one for math than Spanish. I can see using one in AP courses where the students are reading literature but I made one for basic verb conjugation and it works well. I love the colors you use. I think it is attention getting and the arrows show the relationship of the properties. Great Mind Map!
